git logger

Getting Started with GitLogger

To Get Started with GitLogger, you’ll need to add some data from a repository.

This is really easy if your project is on GitHub, and pretty easy to do for any Git repository.

Using the GitLogger GitHub Action

If your repository is on GitHub, you can use the GitLogger GitHub Action to get up and running.

Just copy/paste this step into any job. Use a “push” trigger to make sure you capture every commit.

- name: Run GitLogger
  uses: GitLogging/GitLoggerAction@main

Pushing Changes directly

If your repository is not on GitHub, you’ll have to use a bit of PowerShell to import your logs.

You’ll also need to install ugit from the PowerShell gallery.

# Fetch all of your git history
git fetch --unshallow | Write-Verbose

# Determine the URL for your repo
$gitRemoteUrl = git remote | git remote get-url | Select-Object -First 1
Write-Progress "Getting Logs" " $gitRemotUrl " -Id $progId

# Get logs with detailed stats
$gitLogs = git log --stat |
    Foreach-Object {
        # Standardize the datetime
        $_.CommitDate = $_.CommitDate.ToString('s')
        # Join all of the output lines
        $_.GitOutputLines = $_.GitOutputLines -join [Environment]::NewLine
        $_ |
            Add-Member NoteProperty RepositoryURL $gitRemoteUrl.RemoteUrl -Force -PassThru

$gitLogsJSON = $gitLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20

$gitLoggerPushUrl = ''

$gotResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $gitLoggerPushUrl

if (-not $gotResponse) {
    Write-Error "$gitloggerPushUrl unavailable"

$repoRestUrl = $gitLoggerPushUrl + '/' + ($gitRemoteUrl.RemoteUrl -replace '^(?>https?|git|ssh)://' -replace '\.git$') + '.git'
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $repoRestUrl -Body $allJson -Method Post